a good packing is an iimportant part of brand marketing.
our wrapping paper can help your product can better \ set off the atmosphere and become a Beautiful landscape with your exclusive logo, rozszerz your market expososure.
we Have ma tactrive wrapping paper design, zrównoważony and recycled materials and made in high quality#brand#brandstategies #packagingsolutions #packing inNovations#retailPackaging###
Imię: Yuanguoying
Stanowisko: sales manager
Departament: marketing department
Telefon służbowy: +86-152-182-3381
E-mail: Skontaktuj się z nami
Telefon komórkowy: +86-152-8182-3381
Stronie internetowej: pengsenpaper.plvipb2b.com
Adres: No.15,houhuan Road,Yongkou Town,Dongguan,Guangdong,China