side: 3 po bokach
exterior Wymiary: 850 850 mm x 650 mm x 1700 mm/33.46 ”x 25.59” x 66,93''
INTERIOR Wymiary: 790 mm x 590 mm x 1470 mm/31.10 ”x 23.23” x 57,87 ”
material: q235
finishing: Power-coed
25mm (
) x 1.35
flat Iron: szerokość: 25 mm thickness: 3 mm -bottom Warstwa: 1,0 mm (bez dodatkowych warstw) grid: 110 120; 350x6.3 wheel Typ: 5 rubber (2 z hamulcem) net waga: 44kg warehouse roll cages is our POrs popular rolling cage. This Three sided cage is a workhorse for
any distribution center, supermarket, o workhorse for any distribution center. facility. the open design allows for easy stacking of packages products large and small. when finished For the Day, the s small.ncart can be collapsed and nested for easy storage and space Savings.Imię: tom
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